Coastal Flatland Spaces – Sanctuary and Cradle – a Matter for Bird Habitat, and Seventeen Birds of Cook Inlet, 2013
Coastal Flat Land Spaces of Cook Inlet
Coastal Flats, North
Coastal Flats, South
Wandering Tattler
Solitary Sandpiper
Red-faced Cormorant
Yellow Billed Loon
Lesser Yellowleggs
Red Knot
Yellow Billed Loon
Wandering Tattler
Solitary Sandpiper
Red-throated Loon
Red Knot
Red-faced Cormorant
Marbled Godwit
Lesser Yellowleggs
American Golden Plover
Installation – hand-cast abaca, cotton, and recycled blue jean paper, recycled paper bird nest sculptures.
Monotype prints – water-based monotype and tea staining with second pulled ghost prints.